Canto de la Monarca: Mujeres en México … después explico. De todas maneras toda la explicación necesaria se encuentra en mi portal.
Les advierto, es algo desordenado; al menos informal, que digamos. Son de veras cosas del momento. De manera que algunas veces escribo en español, algunas en inglés; no siempre me siento con tiempo ni ganas de traducir. Ojalá que no ofenda. Ojalá también que se den la vuelta de vez en cuando para mantenerse en contacto con mis pensamientos y proyectos. Escritura más larga se encuentra en la parte REFLECCIONES de mi portal. Espero que de esta manera se sientan partícipes en mi actividad, ¡aunque de lejos!
Well, here I am again, the inconstant blogger … now with a new website and a new project. It’s been a long time since I’ve written in this space. I read what I wrote during the gestation of Rumor de Páramo and I realize that it IS important to document the process, and the progress, of a project like this one. Jiminy, what solo interpreter, would think to commission a bunch of music for her instrument, based around some idea or inspiration? In that sense I suppose I am crazy; in another I suppose I am, as a couple of people whom I respect and love have said of me, a "warrior of beauty."
Song of the Monarch: Women in México … I’ll explain later. In any case all the necessary explanation can be found on my website.
I’ll warn you, it’s a bit disorganized –well, informal. These really are thoughts on the fly, things of the moment. So sometimes I write in Spanish, sometimes in English; I don’t always have the time or inclination to translate. I hope no one is too bothered by that, and I hope that you will enjoy visiting this page from time to time to stay in touch with my thoughts and my projects. You can find lengthier writings in the REFLECTIONS part of my website. I hope that in this way you will feel like a participant in my activity, although from afar!
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