I warn you
up front, this will be one of those non-Buddhist postings. Expect inflammatory rhetoric. Fasten
your seatbelts, etc …
Here is
where you can donate. I am far
from rolling in greenbacks right now, raising money to get Monarca out to the world
and all … but I’m sending my $25. When you read about Maestro Robert Spano
putting his own money where his mouth is ( http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/24/arts/music/atlanta-symphony-orchestra-music-director-backs-performers.html?_r=0
, I’m sure you’ll want to do the same. SO JOIN ME!!
Here's where:
I’m going to continue posting stuff about this, because, I repeat: it is
as important as National Security.
It IS national security.
What does it say about the US that an arts organization like the ASO can
be allowed to go out of business?
In my humble opinion, that is up there with high infant mortality,
or throwing acid in the faces of girls who want to go to school, as an indicator of quality of life.
Here goes:
Such a
convenient narrative, this one. Let’s
sample a couple of juicy key points:
“There’s no more money like this any more.” Meaning, money like that which is necessary to support a
Symphony Orchestra. Or to have
much art at all, really and truly.
Because, count on it, once the symphony orchestras are gone there will start to be
arguments made for getting rid of chamber orchestras because there isn’t any
more of that kind of money
Oh really? And the money
which many rather low-level people on Wall Street make? Or the money that some people on the
boards of such institutions make … is there no money like that any more? Is that not around anymore either?
Really. People who do not
have to worry –who have never had to worry for even a minute, let alone a day—
about how they would deal with one of their children breaking an arm, or decent
pregnancy and birth care of a wife or sister … are saying things about
musicians like: “It does make me wonder … I’m not calling them crazy. I’m just
wondering if they’re crazy.” This was Mr. Douglas Hertz, chair of the Woodruff
Board, talking about some existential crisis which he appears to be having
about this whole business. This
remark of his edges up, I swear, to the “when did you stop beating your wife”
sort of commentary. How exactly
was this supposed to be constructive?
Or was it just supposed to demonstrate his essential –and maybe
EXISTENTIAL— ignorance about Art In General? Or demonstrate that frankly, my
dear, he just Doesn’t Give A Damn?
Like some sort of Good Ol’ Boy or something. I decline to speculate
further because it would be insulting … for everyone’s … intelligence.
For me this is a slightly –but only very slightly—more sophisticated version
of the now tried-and-true USian Blame The Worker litany. A
pretty tired one, by now. Do I
need to go over how the workers of Detroit somehow ended up being responsible
for the numerous and Really Embarrassing errors of management, both in
strategic and business planning and in terms of just plain reading the
scientific evidence? I thought
Then there is the idea that to get rid of this highbrow art is "what The People Really Want anyway, so
Who are WE to deny the popular taste?"
Now this is really rich. Here
are these people salivating to step up to bat and hold forth about how they are
really populist, really For The People.
All just because they have managed to develop some twisted discourse
that you can’t play Mozart or Brahms or Copland for Jane & Joe Sixpack
because “people like that can’t appreciate this kind of music”. And anyway, J & J can’t afford the
ticket price.
WOW. Might the former be because education budgets have been cut to the
bone and jeez, there’s no money for a music –or art, or literature, teacher any
more? Might the latter be because
both Js have been laid off and now have no health coverage? Do you need to
ask?: they got laid off because of the suicidally stupid business “decisions”
of these “managers” who suddenly and inexplicably are qualified to judge the
viability of a Symphony Orchestra.
People who, I intuit, can barely manage a visit to their own hearts.
In other words, the justification for not having art in people’s lives
is because of a situation which these “managers” themselves created. Pretty
rich, almost as rich as they are themselves, except in their spirits where they
are appallingly poor.
I don’t want to belittle anyone’s contribution to Society As A Whole,
but might it not be possible that Each and Every One of these ASO musicians is
making more of a contribution than some mid-level cutie on Wall Street, or a mediocre MBA who
thinks classical music is something that you use to go to sleep? Just sayin’, as they say.
And anyway, which one is making more of a contribution to the general Balance
Of Beauty in the Universe? Do you have to even think about your answer to this?
I already warned you this was not going to be my Most Buddhist Self,
people, so no reproaches please.
It breaks my heart, it makes me cry, to read:
“Though they’ve been
locked out of Symphony Hall, the ASO players have not stopped playing. They’ve
played chamber music at a local club, Terminal West, and Friday night, about 35
players will perform two shows at the 525-seat theater at Oglethorpe
University. They’re being led by Richard Prior, the Emory Symphony Orchestra’s
After walking the picket line earlier in the week, the players were
thrilled to be onstage at Oglethorpe for a rehearsal and to be joined by
members of the Atlanta Mozart Choir.
‘It feels a little exciting and subversive,’ said Michael Kurth, the
bassist helping organize the performances. ‘It actually feels exhilarating to
be with my colleagues, and just proper. It’s what I’m supposed to be doing.’
This is what they DO, dear ones, it IS what they are supposed to be
doing. And you know what
else? It is subversive – because with every beautiful note they play together, in
love and solidarity, they are sowing doubt in the mind of every listener. Doubt about the
pseudo-values espoused by people like Mr Douglas Hertz, whose deathless --as in
Night of the Living Passive-Aggressive Undead-- words I quote above.
And with the Atlanta
Mozart Choir, so beautiful. It is
no accident that one of the primary tools for union organizers in Europe in the
late 19th century, and later in the USA, was the choir, or some sort
of choral group. There are few
things that can wake the heart and move the soul like voices together in
harmony: it’s a model for solidarity and unity of purpose.
I totally understand that someone may have been born to read the Mysterious
Tarot of the Stock Market or know what Banks and Currencies will Do Tomorrow,
or any one of those things. But
the happy fact of the matter is that these colleagues of mine do something that
materially improves the lives of those around them, every day. Just that
simple. How many Bankers and
Currency Traders can say the same?
Here's where again:
I repeat: this is as important as National Security. It IS national security.